
by - 01:25

Today I went to KLCC with my family.
total of 11 people. Amazing, hahaha
Today's wearing

Before we go KLCC, we went to my daddy's factory.
Workers those who invited us to eat a meal for no reason.
*Actually I not aware. Kick me please /_\
Is just a simple meal

After have lunch, visit fish ponds time!
Ignore my rabbit tooth*
Omg. Nausea fish

On the way go to the KLCC...
 This is my cousin, we forced him to open his mouth and let us taken picture.
We so bad huh? Hahaha

Finally reached KLCC. 
But there are more people as we can't imagine.
Then we walking inside for a while and went home. So fast  =(

*In the absence of photos, so I don't know how to complete this article
Really sorry about that.

See you at next post. Bye 

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